Language development of 2-year-olds is characterized by a rapidly growing vocabulary, the use of longer sentences, and clearer speech. Communicating with our toddlers is one of the most rewarding parts of the day. In addition to meaningful conversations with teachers, children are provided with a variety of engaging language exercises that focus on the development of
pre-literacy skills such as matching, labeling, sorting, etc. Our program further supports the growth of these skills through introduction of new theme-based vocabulary, description and discussion of images and illustrations, reading stories and looking at books, singing songs, and playing with puppets. Another important aspect of language development in toddlers is playing together. Through peer interactions, the children begin to understand the power of language and how to use it in the world around them. From opening up a flower shop to becoming a veterinarian, from dressing up as an astronaut to going on a safari, our dramatic play area encourages children to use their expressive language to experiment with various social roles.