Individual tours are conducted year round and are required to begin the enrollment process. It is important to us that our families are well-informed and comfortable with our program before enrolling. Schedule your visit today!
Once you have decided to enroll in our center, complete and return the Application Form to the office. Please note: submitting an application is not a guarantee of a spot. After your completed application is received, you will be offered a spot or placed on the wait list, depending on space availability.
Waitlisted applicants receive monthly updates.

Bucktown Application Ravenswood Application Logan Square Application

Once offered a spot, please pay a one time non-refundable $250 registration fee and the first month tuition within five days to secure your child's placement in the program. You will receive a welcome email with your child’s enrollment packet. Please fill out all the necessary forms in a timely manner.
Before your start date, schedule a play date with your classroom teacher. Students’ visits provide an opportunity for both parents and a child to meet with the staff and classmates in a nonstressful atmosphere with parents present.